Analyze your performance in recent battles Build and save better battle decks Track how much progress you have made in upgrading your cards See the odds of finding a legendary card Monitor your clan’s growth Get the best value for your gold in the shop

Deck Builder
Build or randomize Clash Royale Battle Decks then analyze them, share them, and import them to the game.

Card Chance Calculator
Determine the odds of getting certain cards from a chest. See how likely you are to find a Legendary card.

Battles Analysis
View analytics for your recently played battles and find out how you can improve.

Card Collection Analysis
View analytics for your Card Collection and track your progress.

Clan Manager
Track donations, activity, and other statistics for your Clan and its members all in one place.

Shop Card Price Calculator
Quickly find how much it will cost to buy a certain number of cards of a given rarity from the shop.